Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This or that

I need to find a more reliable scale!

I went to the doctor's office this morning, just like I have been for the past 14 weeks. There was that fiasco when I finally broke 400 lbs. Now I'm on the verge of breaking 350. Last week I weighed 362. I challenged myself to be under 350 in four weeks. That's three pounds a week, a very attainable goal. So I get there and set the scale to 362 and jump on. The pointer is still down which means I did lose weight.
I should preface this by saying that I did not have a very productive week. I skipped two workout days. I ate out once or twice. I went to a birthday party and consumed many alcoholic beverages and snacks. For all apparent reasons I should have gained something.
I start tapping the counterweight to the left, tap-tap-tap. It finally balances out at 357! I LOST FIVE POUNDS!! WHAT?! HOW?! HUH?! I can't believe it. I double check the settings and everything is where it should be. Then I remember week 8. So I take the counterweight off and set it at 350. I get on and the pointer is DOWN. I tap it over once and THE DAMN THING BALANCES AT 349! WHAT?! HOW?! HUH?! It's doing it again! This time however, the difference is only eight pounds compared to 30 pounds the last time. I am going to be sticking with the 357 for now. I will check it again both ways next week.

Challenge #2

I need to set a new weightloss goal for myself. I just have not been feeling the desire to workout much lately. I skipped a couple of days and just did not do much.
So I decided what I need is a new challenge. As of March 16, I weighed 362 lbs. My next challenge is to be under 350 lbs. in four weeks. That averages out to three pounds a week. That is something I can do. The past few weeks I have been averaging about three to four a week. To be under 350 lbs. will be another big accomplishment for me. I have not been there in a long time, maybe eight years or so.
I know what it is like to accomplish a goal I have set. I am looking forward to reaching this next short-term goal in my life.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I don't know what to believe anymore!

(The following took place on February 16, 2010 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.)

I have no idea what my actual weight is anymore!

For the past nine weeks, I have been using the same scale at my doctor's office. Nine weeks ago it said I weighed 435 lbs. As I have been losing, I've been using the same scale every week. I set it to the weight from the week before then scale it down to see how much I lost. This week was going to be tricky. The scale by itself only goes up to a max of 350 lbs. To weigh over that amout I have to use a counter-weight set at the different notches of 50 and 100. If I set it at the 50 notch, it means the weight is 350 plus the smaller pointer on top which goes from 1 - 50. I had to set it at the 100 mark, which meant 300 + 100 + (1 thru 50). I have been using it the exact same way every single time.

Today was a big moment for me because I was hoping to finally be out of the 400s. I only needed to lose four more pounds and I could move the big counter down one notch. So I set the scale to 403. I get on and it didn't move. I kept tapping it until it was all the way over to the left and it still did not move. Great!! I'm out of the 400s!! So I move the counter-weight down from 100 to 50. I move the small pointer all the over to the right. I get on and it still does not move. Awesome, I have to move it more to the left meaning I lost more than 4 lbs. I was hoping to lose more because this week I cut out a lot of pasta from my diet. So I start moving the small counter to the left. It still has not moved. Tap, tap, tap. Still not moving. The scale finally balanced at 372! THREE-SEVENTY-TWO!! According to this scale, it means I lost over THIRTY POUNDS IN ONE WEEK!! Something is definitely wrong with this scale.

The nurses recommend I go to the local H.E.B. and try the weight/blood pressure machine by the pharmacy. So I go over and give it a shot. I try it four or five tiems and it reads 363!! That's nine pounds less than what the doctor's scale said. WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!?!?!

So for now, I'm going to stick with the doctor's scale. I am also readjusting my starting weight to 410 lbs. So if I go with that, it means I've lost about 38 lbs. That is what I am sticking with.