Monday, July 16, 2012

The Time Has Come

It's been a little over a year and a half since I stopped working out. What was supposed to be a little break turned into a very long break. Well, the time has come to start up again. I know I've said it before since the beginning of the year, but NOW is the time. My clothes are "shrinking" on me. I'm getting tired more often than usual. Aches and pains are starting to creep in. Basically, I'm tired of being tired...again!

So how do I begin? The same way I did the the first time, with a challenge. I am throwing down a two month challenge. I will lose 30 lbs. in two months. This shouldn't be too hard. If I lose 30 lbs. I will lose the weight I gained back since the end of 2010. December 14, 2009, I weighed 435 lbs. December 14, 2010, I weighed 305 lbs. July 15, 2012, I weigh 338 lbs. My wardrobe shrank on me these past few months. My pants are feeling tighter. I have to stretch out my shirts again to make them feel comfortable. I don't think I can put on my blue jeans now without popping a button. This is not good.

I haven't been to the doctor since 2010, but I'm sure my numbers are not that great. I stopped taking my daily vitamins. I'm sure my vitamin D has dropped which explains why I've been so sluggish lately. It's always good to be on a daily asprin regiment for the heart but I stopped that, too. Not to mention my daily visits to the numerous fast food restaurants. My house was littered with empty bags and wrappers from the big three, Whataburger, Burger King and McDonalds. Now it's back to Subway when I can afford it. I'm still taking my lunches to work but now I'll start taking a salad along again. No more sodas, just water. The toughest one to give up will be the Red Bulls. If I do have one it's gonna be the sugar free ones. *bleh!* Maybe just once a week, at least until my vitamin D kicks in.

So now it's back to three square meals a day with a couple of light snacks in between. Only 2100 calories a day until I get under 300 lbs. That's three meals at 525 calories and two snacks at 262 calories. (Quick side note: Remember when T.G.I. Friday's was offering meals that were about 500 calories? What was up with that?! For a 300 lb. man the MINIMUM a meal should consist of was 525 calories and they were offering 500 calories for the average American?! Yeah, I didn't get it.)

But the main part of this new start will be the workouts. I still have the DVDs and weights. I know what has to be done and I know how to do it. One thing I will be including is a set of strength training bands. I received a $30 Amex gift card for my birthday last month. On Father's Day, after a great meal with all the family, my Dad and I went walking around Wal-Mart. I came across this band set from Gold's Gym. It has two sets of bungee cords on pulleys that you attach to a door. It was exactly what I was wanting for the longest time and it was only $28.00! SOLD!! So now I can incorporate them into my P90X workouts! It also came with a DVD and a workout chart so I'll be trying those out, as well.

Looks like it's time to start sweating!

(cue the Rocky music: Eye of the Tiger!)

Monday, January 2, 2012


The new year is here. I'm starting to get back into the frame of mind I had back in 2010. I have my goals laid out in front of me. I have my challenges all lined up. I know what I have to do to make a change. It is time to get things done. 

Then I came across this on facebook. A friend of mine posted this website: One Word 365. It's not about making resolutions "that you won't remember three weeks from now." It's about taking one word and incorporating that word into your life for the entire year. Here's what it's all about:

One word can change everything.
Forget New Year's Resolutions. Scrap the long list of goals that you won't remember three weeks from now anyway. Choose just one word.
One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live or what you want to achieve by the end of 2012.
One word that you can focus on every day, all year long.
It will take hard work, and will require intentionality and commitment. But if you let it, your word will shape you and your year. It will guide your decisions and help you grow.
Discover the big impact one word can make.
One word.
365 days.
A changed life.

After thinking about it for a while I have decided on my word for 2012: "dedication." 

If I am going to make any sort of significant change in my life it is going to take a lot of dedication to get the job done. There were other words that I was considering that also seemed to fit the theme for 2012. Some of them were "determination", "accomplish" and a few others. But "dedication" seemed the best fit. I will have to be dedicated to my causes for the entire year if I am going to make a change.