Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Final Stretch of 2010

I am now in the final stretch of my goal. I have set up many challenges and accomplished most of them, but this is the big one. I have one month to get under 300 lbs. My anniversary date is only two weeks away. It would be awesome if I reach it by then. Yes, I only need to lose about 5 - 6 lbs., but with my track record recently it is a bigger feat than you think. Thanksgiving has come and gone and I believe I only gained about a pound or two. I didn't gain it ON Thanksgiving day, it was the following weekend. On Thanksgiving I actually got up really early and did the Plyo X workout. Over the weekend, however, I ate junk and fast food and did not exercise at all.

So now it all comes down to this. I have plateaued around 305 - 308. Why? Because I have not been counting my calories and have not been exercising consistently. The exercise I KNOW I can do, it's the calorie counting that's going to hinder me. According to The Biggest Loser books, if you want to lose weight you need eat a certain amount of calories. To figure out that number you take your current weight and multiply it by seven. That is how many calories you are to consume in a day. If you weigh over 300 lbs. you stick to 2100 calories a day (300 x 7). for me to lose more weight I think I need to start consuming less than 2100 calories a day. Also, I need to kick up the exercise.

Today I feel I consumed under 2100 calories for the day. I do need to more consistent about drinking water, though. I haven't had much time at work, what with the holiday rush already upon us, to even stop for a drink of water. As for the exercise, I did three P90X workouts. I started with the Shoulders & Back workout, followed by the Ab Ripper X workout, and finished it all off with Kenpo X. I think I burned a few calories there.

Today is Wednesday, December 1. I am making this my "Day 1" of working out. I will follow the routine for the next four weeks and hope to achieve the results I am shooting for. If I get under 300 lbs. by the end of the year, great! If I get under 300 lbs. in two weeks, AWESOME!

BUT WHEN WILL I LEARN?! I cannot afford to stray from my diet at all if I am EVER going to beat this weight problem. I can't do three days of working out then throw it all away on a big, unhealthy meal in one night. I've done that before and regretted it the second I got home.

On last night's episode of The Biggest Loser, they showed how the voted off contestants look now. Mark started off at 421 lbs. Today he weighs 248 lbs. and the finale is only a few weeks away. THAT is what my target weight is! I'm only about 50 lbs. away from reaching that goal! I NEED to kick this in high gear. I want to get under 300 lbs. I'm tired of being this big. I want to drop another "X" from my clothing. I want to get down to a 40" pant size.